DERMA ROLLER also called as microneedle rollers and skin rollers, is an alternative treatment for skin rejuvenation, acne or depressed scars, deep lines and stretch marks. This treatment is advised when some patients are not satisfied with conventional treatments such as dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels. This hand held device has micro surgical needles that reach the inner surface of the skin to promote skin repair from the inside out. It stimulates collagen and elastin production without causing any damage to the skin or remove the epidermis layer. Derma Roller should be performed by a board certified to get the best result and avoid complications.
Needle Sizes:
0.2mm For cell regeneration, treatment for skin pigmentation and blemishes, for nutrient absorption enhancement, hair re-growth and eye treatment
0.5mm For cell and skin regeneration, treatment for skin pigmentation and blemishes, treatment for wrinkles, treatment for pimple scars, for nutrient absorption enhancement, and eye treatment
1 to 1.5mm For cell and skin regeneration, treatment for wrinkles, treatment for pimple scars, treatment for deep scars, pore reduction treatment, for nutrient absorption enhancement, treatment for cellulites and stretch marks
2 to 2.5mm For cell and skin regeneration, treatment for deep scars, pore reduction treatment, for nutrient absorption enhancement, treatment for cellulites and stretch marks
How does derma roller work?
Derma roller works by using one single micro needle that causes a tiny wound in the skin that cannot be seen or felt as the damage is on a minute scale. As a result of that wound, the body naturally heals itself by producing collagen and elastin which is the post traumatic response of the skin.
How is the procedure performed?
The treatment area will be disinfected and sterilized. Anesthesia will then be applied and left for about 60 minutes to numb the skin. When the skin is ready, the dermatologist will perform the skin needling, back and forth, in various directions that generally creates over a thousand needle entries. The needles penetrate about 1.5 to 2mm into the dermis. As part of the process, the skin will bleed for a short time, and this would create micro bruises that would actually stimulate new collagen and elastin fibers would cause thickening of the skin. Topical products will then be infused and would be readily absorbed by the skin as a result of the channels created through skin needling.
How soon can patients see results with derma roller?
Results generally start to be seen after about 6 weeks after derma roller treatment but the full effects can take at least three months to occur and, as the deposition of new collagen takes place slowly, the skin texture will continue to improve over a 12 month period. Most patients require around 3 treatments approximately 4 weeks apart.
Who are the contraindications with derma roller?
Patients with acne, active infections and skin orders will not be candidates for derma roller. Keloid formers and pregnant women are also not candidates. Patients with history with keloid and loose skin for those who want treatment with stretch marks will not be candidates as well. To know more about skin needling, it is best to come in for a consultation so the procedure can be explained in greater detail.
What results are to be expected?
After a Derma Roller procedure your body will start to naturally regenerate and repair the skin, working below the surface in the dermis. This takes time as new collagen is formed, new skin cells are generated and blood supply is enhanced. It can take up to 6 weeks before visible signs of regeneration and repair are seen and the process will continue over the following months, providing the patient with a natural and long lasting enhancement.